Stimular is a foundation that aims to accelerate sustainable business.
It answers the growing need for sustainability with practical instruments for SME, branch associations, governmental organisations and healthcare. Sustainability is therefore embedded into the core strategies and mission of Stimular. The goal is that organisations and managers include sustainability in every decision they make. Through the websites Stimular shares its advice and experience to help companies implement sustainability into their business. Of course Stimular strives to reduce its own environmental impact, and to create a pleasant and healthy working environment for its own team members.
Stimular helps organisations by giving advice adapted to a specific situation, communicating in a clear way and creating inspiring contacts with other companies. The aim with the clients is not just to fulfil the needed requirements, but to embed sustainability into their way of doing business. Stimular supports companies by assisting them with activities such as:
Stimular also works with governmental organisations and branch associations. By doing so, Stimular is able to reach out to many organisations interested in implementing sustainability, but lack the information to know how. Companies can make a fluent start with the practical and accessible instruments, like the Envirometer. This tool enables companies to visualise their achievements in sustainability, including a carbon footprint, fast and easy. Stimular also develops scans for specific industry sectors and creates certificates proving the organisation has a sustainable business.
Most of Stimular its activities are located within the Netherlands. However, Stimular also creates incidental partnerships with knowledge institutions and universities to share (and receive) knowledge, for example in Denmark and Suriname. Furthermore, the Envirometer is also used by international companies. Therefore, the Envirometer is also available in English.
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© 2020 Stichting Stimular